Super Mario Bros. is a platform video game developed by Nintendo in late 1985 and published for the Nintendo Entertainment System as a sequel to the 1983 game Mario Bros. In Super Mario Bros., the titular character, Mario, seeks to rescue Princess Toadstool (later renamed Princess Peach) of the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser, king of the Koopas. Mario's younger brother, Luigi, is playable by the second player in the game's multiplayer mode, and assumes the same plot role as Mario.
The player takes on the role of the main protagonist of the series, Mario. The objective is to race through the Mushroom Kingdom, survive the main antagonist Bowser's forces and save Princess Toadstool.The playing world has coins scattered around it for Mario to collect, and special "?" bricks, which when hit from below by Mario, may contain more coins or a special item. Other "secret" (often invisible) bricks may contain more coins or rare items. If the player gains a red and yellow mushroom, Mario grows to double his size and can take one extra hit from most enemies and obstacles, in addition to being able to break bricks above him.Players are given a certain number of lives (and may gain additional lives by picking up green and orange '1-Up' mushrooms, or collecting 100 coins), which are lost when Mario takes too much damage, falls in a pit, or runs out of time; the game ends when all lives are lost. Mario's primary attack is jumping on top of enemies, though many enemies have differing responses to this. For example, a Goomba will flatten and be defeated,while a Koopa Troopa will temporarily retract into its shell, allowing Mario to use it as a projectile.These shells may be deflected off a wall to destroy other enemies, though they can also hurt Mario. An alternate way to damage enemies is with the Fire Flower, an item which, when picked up, changes the color of Mario's outfit (or only increases his size if a red and yellow mushroom had not been used previously) and allows him to shoot fireballs. A less common item is the Starman, which often appears from concealed or otherwise invisible blocks. This makes Mario temporarily invincible to most hazards.
The game consists of eight worlds with four sub-levels in each world.In addition, there are bonus and secret areas in the game. Most secret areas contain more coins for Mario to collect, but others may contain "warp pipes" which allow Mario to advance to later worlds in the game, skipping over earlier ones.For over two decades, Super Mario Bros. was the best-selling video game of all time, before being outsold by Wii Sports in 2009.Excluding Game Boy Advance and Virtual Console sales, the game has sold 40.241 million copies worldwide.
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